Target Band 8: A Theme Based IELTS Course

eSTEP · 27 February 2024

This theme based course will give you the depth of knowledge and understanding you need to reach IELTS 7 and beyond. The 12 modules cover the most common IELTS test themes, and highlight connections that will give you the ability to impress the examiners.

Designed by IELTS educators and examiners to get you speaking and writing with confidence on any topic.

Build your knowledge and understanding of common IELTS themes and engage your critical thinking skills to power your progress in writing and speaking.

Apa yang kamu dapat di kursus ini?

  • 8 kali pembelajaran dengan native speaker
  • Video e-learning
  • 3 Mock up Test
+36 enrolled
Not Enrolled
Rp 399.000,-

Course Includes

  • 8 Lessons
  • 39 Topics
  • 1 Quiz